Contact Form

Before contacting the Board, be sure to check out the rest of the web site and the FAQ page. We try to have most information up on the site.

Use this form to contact the Willow Ridge Board of Directors. The appropriate board members are notified once a form is submitted so please leave as much detail as possible and select the appropriate recipient category. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS!

The Board of Directors are volunteers, we will get back to you as soon as we can. Not all messages will receive a personal response. Response by phone is very difficult and limited. Email is the preferred method. Many items are discussed and acted upon at the monthly Board Meetings that occur, generally, at the beginning of each month.

TITLE COMPANIES: We need to have the property address, current owners, future owners, close date and emails for the future owners. We will respond via email with balance, current dues and due dates. We may take up to a week to respond. IF YOU NEED OUR MASTER INSURANCE POLICY, THE DEC PAGE IS HERE.

PARKING VIOLATIONS: If you are reporting a car for overnight parking, we will need the make, model and license number of the car, and the address it belongs to,  in order to record the violation. 

Be sure to include your email AND YOUR ADDRESS otherwise we won't be able to contact you.